Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep, gentle, non-invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments.
This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. The massage focuses on removing scar tissue, helping to loosen harden debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years. Clearing the physical and emotional congestion can leave you and your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
The treatment gently addresses anxiety which may arise during this journey or any trauma, grief or loss you have experienced in the past. We work together to improve your wellbeing and to bring you a sense of self love, peace and connection with your body.
This therapy also includes advice on diet, lifestyle and self-care techniques to optimise your fertility and overall womb health.
This beautiful flowing massage is deeply nurturing and can help your body reach a natural state of harmony, improving circulation and lymph flow to your abdominal organs including your womb and ovaries while helping reduce pelvic tension, stress and much more.
Regular fertility massage sessions may provide many benefits for the reproductive system. Some of the benefits include:
• Helping to reposition a tilted uterus
• Promotes hormonal balance by reducing stress and improving circulation
• Breaks up scar tissue and adhesions
• Improves circulation bringing fresh oxygenated blood to uterus & ovaries
• Helps in reducing stress and the level of stress hormones within the body
• Increases circulation to the womb and cervix
• Encourages the liver to remove excess hormones
• Helps the body rid itself of stagnant blood and tissues
Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the centre of the pelvis. It is held in this position by muscles, the vaginal wall and ligaments that attach it to the back, front, and sides of the pelvis. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing fetus inside and to move freely when the bladder or bowel is full. The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.
A uterus in any of these positions is called tilted or prolapsed. Modern medicine has little or nothing to offer women with this problem. Options may include using the birth control pill, muscle relaxants, or surgery and women are generally told, "your uterus is tipped, but that is normal and don't worry about it." Yet women have a laundry list of physical and emotional symptoms that can be addressed and prevented with these simple, noninvasive massage techniques.
When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces sitting on blood and lymph vessels can cause havoc throughout the different systems in the body. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by uterine massage. In addition, digestion, urinary and bladder problems can be helped.