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Touch - Our First Language )o(

Jules Hayden

Touch is the first language we all learn. When we are safely cocooned in our mother’s womb we feel the amniotic fluid surrounding us as we touch the wall of the womb & play with our fingers. It is what makes us feel safe and to begin to make sense of the world around us.

The origins of pregnancy massage date back some 3000 years when medical interventions were not options. Massage was adopted throughout indigenous cultures because the benefits could be seen & felt. Local midwives used massage to reposition the baby during labour and help speed postpartum recovery. Fast forward a few thousand years and these traditions seem to be more lost than ever, women in today’s society don’t have time to focus on themselves at all in pregnancy – we have high pressure jobs, huge mortgages to pay and an abundance of social media apps to keep us disconnected from ourselves.

My job is to help a Mama connect back in with herself on an emotional and spiritual level supporting her confidence in herself and empowering her to have the pregnancy and birth experience she needs, wants and desires. I provide a safe, warm, nurturing environment to relax, unwind, connect inwards or simply unplug from society for a wee while. Being a Mama of two babies I I know what was lacking for me during this precious time and my wish and deepest desire is to ensure that my Mamas can have the best possible pregnancy, birth & postnatal experience by providing my clients with tools to use during this precious time.

I LOVE seeing women from the first trimester onwards so that I form part of their village and can support the level of care given by our beautiful midwives or medical team. It is such a privilege to be a part of this village and often I form deep bonds with my ladies as I help them to trust their body and own their unique journey. I want each woman to leave a session at Mamas Retreat feeling empowered by the miracle of their own bodies & be more in tune with themselves, their bodies and their babies.

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